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Popcorn FUNdraising 2021

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

The summer is winding down and your Troop or Pack is starting to meet more, and you are likely meeting in person! As your committee starts to think about recruiting more families this fall, you are also thinking about raising some money to support your program this and next year.

The 2021 Popcorn FUNdraiser is just around the corner and here are some dates to keep in mind for your planning-

August 23rd - Show and Sell Order Due

September 9/10 - Show and Sell pickup / start of sale

September 9th - Take Order Sale Start

November 3rd - Show and Sell money and unsold product due to Council Office

November 10th- Unit Take Order due online

December 1/2 - Take Order pickup / delivery and money due.

Unit Commissions on ALL sales - Online, Take Order and Show and Sell will be 40%. We want to make sure you get as much as possible with the fewest amount of hoops to jump through.

If you are not signed up through Trails End for your unit to order popcorn, please contact Patrick Smith - immediately to assist!

Throughout the next few weeks, Patrick Smith will be contacting you to ensure that you are signed up for the sale with Trails End and to work with you for some preliminary goal setting and preparation for your sale. There are various online videos and tutorials from Trails End that are available via Youtube and the Trails End volunteer site, so keep your eyes peeled!

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